A review by amyjoy
Goddess of Yesterday by Caroline B. Cooney


God, I love stories about ancient Greece and Troy (especially Troy; [b:The Iliad|1371|The Iliad|Homer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388188509s/1371.jpg|3293141] is my favorite). This is a lovely look at the beginnings of the war from an outsider's perspective. Anaxandra is such a wonderful character, and I loved the language Cooney uses throughout. And the characterizations of all the famous figures are wonderful, and I really appreciated the way she showed how Helen could get under people's skin and beguile them. I always wondered why Priam wouldn't just give her the boot once the war began to drag on and on and on, but Cooney handles that really deftly and in a way that makes sense.

ETA: GUH, that cover. I love it so much; it's powerful and dynamic and interesting.

My one nitpick is a scene where a ship is going through a storm and someone calls on the god of the ocean to save them EXCEPT ancient Greek sailors hoped Poseidon would never know that they were sailing (he ain't called the Earthshaker for nothing) and would never call upon him to calm a storm. #ClassicsNerd