A review by scrollsofdragons
Betrayals by Kelley Armstrong


Previous Review: 3.5 Not as pissed as before because I know what to expect so rereading it means I just have to accept the way things are and although this is a big step down from the other three, 3.5 feels like the appropriate rating for it.

Old Review:
So angry and annoyed at this book. Its not on par with the rest of the series. Have more to say, like a massive rant, coming this way. And that pisses me off because up to now, this series has been perfection, my how it falls.

I am so angry right now. We have had four books of Olivia being with Ricky and there is only one book left for her to be with Gabriel, if that's what she decides but it's pretty much obvious that they're going to be endgame which is another thing that I don't like, which I'll get too in a sec. Right now I'm talking about four books of one couple and now, now you're changing it. Hell no, why invest so much in one romance for the majority of the entire series and then switch it?
If Gabriel and Olivia are endgame then her romance with Ricky should have ended a book ago so it's more balanced or there should be more books. How can I possibly ship Gabriel and Olivia if it's never given as an thing until the end? How can I possibly support that?

Now I don't think Gabriel and Olivia are right for one another romantically. They have enough struggles being friends, they hurt one another, they don't understand one another, they betray one another, they go up and down constantly. Could you imagine what kind of relationship that would be? A nightmare one, it could never work out. Not to mention, can you imagine Gabriel having passionate sex like Olivia is used too? The guy sees sex as a biological function he just has to get over with now and then. Olivia and James would fuck in hallways, up against walls, with Ricky it's o the back of a motorbike. Gabriel would be a boring lover compared to her ex's.
Besides the fact that sexually it won't work, that they have enough trouble being friends that I can't see it getting any better romantically, only worse I'm just so mad that he has to be a love interest at all? I liked their friendship, that maybe is a little bit more but they know it could never be the right thing for them to do. I liked that, I really did.
I don't care if Olivia ends up with Ricky or if she decides she wants to choose herself or she wants to step back from it a little, I'm not angry because my ship may be sinking. I'm angry because they are not right for one another, that it's only saying girls can't be friends with boys without falling for them, that I will never see it working as a functional, even decent relationship and lastly she's been in a relationship with another guy for the whole series and now you're changing it?

I hated the ending. When Ricky is basically saying, Gabriel should have a better shot at winning you so let's break up so he can have the change to have you. No, just no. How could you be okay with that?
I've never minded love triangles as much as other people until now and I think it's because normally in a love triangle, you have feelings for two guys but in the end you decide you do love one more then the other. This is not happening here. What is happening here is that she now has two guys and they're both going to compete to get her and she's going to pick one. A love triangle is not a contest. It's so much more then that.

Lol, just looked at my review for this book and up to the second, I used to ship Olivia and Gabriel. See the problem? She's been together with Ricky for four books now, that I don't consider Olivia and Gabriel as a thing to ship no more. I've seen how wrong, especially in this book, they are for one another.

Now Gabriel pissed me off in this book. Ricky who is kind of a friend and Olivia who is his best friend are in a relationship and I don't care how much you are in love with her, you don't try to win her over. You don't be like, I am doing this for you which shows you should be with me and I'm much better then Ricky because I do this and he doesn't. He was just so petty and jealous and being a jerk ass and I couldn't stand it. You are better then this Gabriel!

Also Olivia's dad pissed me off. You find out your wife got your daughters ex killed, tried to lock her best friend up, told your daughter a sob story that you and only you was the one who committed the murders and she was the innocent wife who stayed by her husbands side. And yet, you still want to protect her?? What??? What is wrong with you? You left your daughter to be raised without her parents just to stick by your wife and after finding this out, you still stick by her? I thought you was a father first but you're not, you're a husband first and father second because if you was, you would leave your wife to rot and be there for your daughter but no, you're rather stick by your wife after she betrayed you, after she devastated your daughter. Who thinks like that? What a dick father. And I thought you were the good father but Patrick is sounding a better one then you right now.

It wasn't just the romance that let this book down although it was the cause. See this series was a paranormal thriller with romance and friendship but now it's a drama romance with paranormal and thriller elements. The drama in this book, god. Too much. It was drama after drama and I was just sick of it. I want it to be back the way it was because I didn't sign on for a freaking romance drama. If I wanted that, I would read an contemporary. There wasn't enough paranormal thriller aspect.

It also lacked other things. I found the mystery they were solving not as interesting or intriguing as they normally are. The paranormal aspect was there but it was clogged with romance. Ricky's father, he was non existent. Olivia's adopted mom, nothing, her biological parents-oh a scene or two. Gabriel and Olivia's epic friendship, no longer a friendship. Everyone was obsessing over which guy Olivia would be with.
Now, I know she has to make a choice between the fae and the huntsmen, but I struggle to see why it relies so much on what guy she chooses. I thought they were the champions who were supposed to convince the girl to choose their side, not being the sole reason as to what side she chooses. Like, can't you convince Olivia some other way, surely you have something other then a man. Like come on guys, let's get some brain power going, this is for your survival and you're pinning it on one man? Wow. If I was you, I'd be wooing her with more then a guy and a house. There is really nothing else you can think of?
Not to mention, Olivia choose the huntsmen! They take down bad people. What do the fae do? They cause damage, so much damage. The choice is simple. It's good over evil. Yes the fae aren't completely evil but they're damm well close to it.

So that's my rant. But I have positives. I still enjoyed the book, still raced through it, couldn't put it down. Patrick, you were so yourself and I thank you for that. I liked seeing Ricky's grandfather, really quite liked him. I loved hearing more about the huntsmen, I found that really interesting and the hounds, I'm in love, I want one so much.

I may change my rating as I'm not sure I can honestly say that it deserves four stars but for now, I'm going to stew because I am still so angry. After reflection, I think about how excited I was for this fourth book that I re-read the entire series 1-3 and was so in love and so hyped up and this book let me down so much, so next time I re-read, that love and enjoyment for it will be as high as before and that really upsets me as I adored this series a book ago so I am taking it down a star. I expected to love this one as much as the others but I've never been so disappointed in a series that I adore.