A review by athst
Running with Sherman by Christopher McDougall


When I heard about this book, I was a little puzzled because the premise seemed rather odd. But once I started reading it, the whole thing made total sense.

If you’re a fan of Born to Run like I am, the writing will feel instantly familiar. There’s a central idea to the book, but then McDougall makes it a lot of fun and weaves in all of these interesting characters that he meets along the way.

On one level it’s a book about human-animal relationships, but on another level it’s really more of a feel-good story from his life. It’s also a personal book - he’s at the center of it, and his Dad-ness shines through in an endearing way.

Overall I’d recommend it if you like his other books. Compared with Born to Run, I wouldn’t say that he makes donkey racing as appealing as ultrarunning in minimalist sandals, but almost :)