A review by jugglingpup
Story of L by Debra Hyde


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I got an ARC in return for an honest review on NetGalley.

I am a very big fan of historical erotica, if that makes any sense. I avidly search out the classics and devour them. This had a similar title to The Story of O. A book I really enjoyed, but had an issue with the male gaze aspect of the novel. This book addressed my issues there. However this book raised some more issues for me. Mainly the issues I have with so many books that have a Female to Male transsexual character. First off the word is “transgender”, not “transgendered”. You don’t say “girled” or “boyed”, why would you use the past tense for transgender? That gets me EVERY time. Then there was the issue I had with a character that appeared to be one that was going to be important, but fettered off, Quinn. The way Quinn was described was almost enough to make me put the book down. You don’t describe someone as having a “transgendered body”. It is just rude and grammatically incorrect. Thankfully the author redeemed herself in my eyes when it came to her portrayal of trans men with her service submissive Reese. Huge fan of Reese!

The actual story wasn’t as simple as the Story of O. There were more layers to the characters and to the plot than I am used to with erotica. The scene in L’s bedroom alone would have made me love this book, I would say more, but I don’t want to spoil it. It fit the world of D/s as I have always experienced it and how I want to experience it. I didn’t like the permanent marking came so early in their relationship. That would have been a huge red flag if a Dom/Domme had asked that of me. The actual mark was described in such a gorgeous way that I liked the idea, but the timing was so sketchy. The second permanent mark made more sense, while not being my scene. I loved that marking idea and what it represented. The timing was also much better.

Overall, the book was hot and intense in a very controlled way. The only major red flag was the permanent mark so early in the relationship. That is a huge plus for this book. The constant checking in and asking for consent (though it is not informed consent) really made this book so much better than the erotica I am used to finding.