A review by taylorfennerwrites
Arise by Skye Malone


Where do you go when nowhere is safe?

I received a copy of Arise in exchange for an honest review.

After escaping the torture they experienced at the hands of Dr. Brooks, Chloe and Zeke find themselves on the road to Colorado with Ellie, Baylie, and Noah. Unbeknownst to them, Noah's cousins are chasing after them - and they have Chloe's parents as hostages. Also on their tail are the psychotic Dr. Brooks, Chief Reynolds, and Aaron Reynolds.

When they arrive in Colorado they seek the help of Ellie's mentor, Olivia. Olivia agrees to help Chloe and Zeke by calling a meeting with the Landwalker Elders she trusts. When the meeting goes awry Chloe and her friends must wonder: Can they trust Olivia and the Landwalker Elders? Or are they really working for Dr. Brooks?

When Noah's cousin Wyatt finally gets Chloe on the phone and tells her to show up at their house on the Washington coastline or he'll kill her parents they end up on a crazy mission to get Chloe's parents back before it's too late.

At the same time, the beast is growing stronger and a storm is brewing. Everything is about to come to a catastrophic climax and not everyone will survive the storm...

After dealing with people that claim to want to help Chloe only for them to betray her with their own agendas or homicidal wishes, is there anyone Chloe can trust? At the end of everything will she choose to split herself and become a landwalker or a dehaian?

Wow - this book was intense. As a reader you're constantly worried about what's waiting around the bend for Chloe and her friends and whether the next person will be a friend or foe. The addition of Wyatt's perspective is like looking into the mind of a chilling psychopath. Out of all the books in the series so far I think this one holds the most action and violence, but it's very well written.

I could have done without Chloe freezing out both Zeke and Noah and focusing so much time trying to figure out who she wants, mostly because I see her working out with Zeke better. Noah's nice and all but I see him and Chloe being just better off as friends. The character I feel most sorry for is Baylie, she never asked for any of this and now she's caught up in all the danger.

Overall I think this book amped up the storyline from the previous books, making it even more complicated and involved so the reader can be swept right into Become. I'm eager to see how this series wraps up in book five, I've just really loved reading not just Arise, but all of The Awakened Fate Series and being caught up in this magical world filled with dehaians, landwalkers, greliaran, and wizards. If you're not reading this series you should be in my opinion!