A review by wildfaeriecaps
The Sword in the Street by C.M. Caplan


Holy wow, folks.
This book was amazing. The setting had a Captain Alatriste/Gutterprayer hybrid vibe that checked all my boxes. The characters were deeply real and flawed and strove and failed and flailed and.. I have *never* connected with a character in any book ever as much as I did in this one. Ever. And I've read a lot of books, folks.
I love that this story didn't shy from the dark and gritty realities but somehow managed to keep a thread of light and hope that pulled me along. I smiled, I chuckled, I got teary eyed, I wanted to shake John Chronicle by the throat on more than several occasions.
You get everything in this book: politics/class struggle, slice-of-life, magic, relationships, mental health, growth on personal and society levels. I am blown away by how much I truly love this book.