A review by scytmo
Loot by Tania James


This spellbinding historical novel weaves a story around the automata Tipu’s Tiger, and some of the people whose lives it touched. I’ve seen Tipu’s Tiger at the V&A Museum in London, so it was fascinating to read a fictionalised account of it’s creation, and how it ended up in the collection of the East India Company (from where it was ultimately passed to the V&A).

The story revolves around a number of people who are displaced, away from home, or amongst strangers. The main character, Abbas, an apprentice carver who worked on the Tiger, is displaced for most of the story: taken from his home to work in Tipu’s Summer Palace; then an Indian amongst Europeans at a turbulent time in Indian history. His character is sensitively written, with a depth of emotion, ambition and uncertainty that I found really engaging.

The plot takes Abbas from India to Europe, as he follows his ambition of completing his training in order to create automata of the quality of those made by his mentor in India. I was carried along with his fate, and that of the ward of his mentor, Jehanne De Leze. I enjoyed following them through hardships and attempts to build a life for themselves.

Historical novels aren’t my usual genre, but I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Thank you #NetGalley and Random House UK Vintage for the free review copy of #Loot in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.