A review by theseventhl
The Drone Eats with Me: A Gaza Diary by Atef Abu Saif


Imagine war; all of the images from the news, crumbling buildings and crying faces. Now imagine that you are in the middle of it, trying to live while dodging bombs and bullets, not sure if you will ever get a moment’s peace again. For 51 days, that was the regular routine of novelist Atef Abu Saif, author of five novels and numerous newspaper articles, as he lived through the 2014 Israeli offense against the Gaza Strip. His latest entry in the canon of Israeli-Palestinian conflict writing, “The Drone Eats With Me: A Gaza Diary,” is a personal and often fearless account of Saif’s life during wartime. If there is a bias in his writing that would not be evident in his more measured newspaper writing, it is the bias of the maligned civilian who has found himself an unwilling target of powers beyond his control and comprehension.

You can read my full review of THE DRONE EATS WITH ME at the Current independent student newspaper website. A reviewer copy of the book was provided for free by the Goodreads giveaway program and Beacon Press; no other compensation was offered for this review, nor was a review required to receive the book.