A review by ruthelibrarian
The Flash, Vol. 1: Move Forward by Francis Manapul


As a part of the New 52, the Flash is receiving some long needed attention. Rather than start where the Flash left off, we are introduced to Barry Allen, the original Flash. Longtime fans of the series may find this disappointing as Wally West, the Flash as seen in the cartoon television shows, is considered to be the favorite Flash in the series.

In terms of the plot, this is not an origin story. Those who are looking to get into the Flash will find a hard time understanding what is going on. Villains are introduced suddenly with little explanation as to who they are. Barry Allen himself has little personality other than his speed and sense of justice. The narrative is also somewhat wonky as the story is sometimes told asynchronous which can leave first time comic book readers confused.

All in all, there is potential in this graphic novel series as the art is top notch and at least Mob Rule, a villain(s), was interesting enough.