A review by the_alexeli
Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff


Um, excuse you?

What utter brilliance did I just read?

Aurora Rising was in my top 5 most anticipated books of the year, and it DID NOT DISAPPOINT, FUCKING GOD BLESS YOU!

It was exciting, it was dangerous, it was smart, it was witty, it was heartbreaking, it was endearing, it was everything.

Let me tell you, there was not a dull moment in sight. I was hooked from the first sentence of the first paragraph of the first page of the first chapter. Something intriguing was happening on every page, which kept me turning them faster and faster. I practically read the whole thing in one sitting. The plot was complex enough to have more than one direction, more than one meaning, which is important for a series. Plus it twisted and turned in several directions I did not predict (but, if I'm honest, there were also a few predictable points in there as well). And the characters! Oh, my love for these characters is extensive. From Finian to Auri to Zila to Ty to Cat to Scarlett to Kal (and yes, in that order specifically), I adored them all. And love how much this story centered around their friendship and companionship, a bunch of misfits finding a family when most of them had none. It was beautiful to read about.

All in all, totally on Alex's list of highly recommended books.