A review by yasha32
Digital Cosmopolitans: Why We Think the Internet Connects Us, Why It Doesn't, and How to Rewire It by Ethan Zuckerman

As someone who considers himself to be a global citizen, avid traveler, and cosmopolitan, I really enjoyed this read. I do agree with a couple other reviewers that if you don’t already care about other cultures and countries, this book doesn’t do amazing at convincing you why you should care. Also, even though it’s not even 10 years old, since technology moves so fast, many items are already dated. Nevertheless, the book is packed full of interesting anecdotes and examples of cross-cultural successes. Main takeaway: you need to actively seek out information about other people and cultures. Don’t let the media or those around you “agenda set” — dictate what issues and topics are important. Seek out curators who will provide you with a stream of diverse information.