A review by cakereads
I Wrote This For You: Just the Words by pleasefindthis


If you are looking for elegant poetry with wonderful imagery and words put together in a beautiful way you've never thought of before, skip this book.

This book reminds me of Lang Leav, whose work I do not enjoy. It took me a year to finish this book, which is a pity because I remember being really excited for it at first.

When I read poetry, I expect to feel something. Of course, poetry doesn't have to make literal sense, but I expect the meaning of the poem to be felt.

In this book, everything is said, and nothing is shown. You are told how to feel, and why you are feeling this way. The words are flat and literal and boring. For example:

The Whole World Is Watching

You're younger than you'll be tomorrow. You've never been closer to the day you die. Go. Now.

The Person Happiness Became

So if you love me but you don't need me, you don't love me.

Most of the book is filled with sappy lines like those. Yes, there are a few lines I loved such as

I am made of ghost notes, from songs you never heard.

There are a number of pieces that would have worked very well if only the author trusted the reader to infer and make their own meaning more. A pity; I so wanted to like this book.