A review by stormywolf
Airman by Eoin Colfer


Like most of Eoin Colfer's work, Airman was delightful, engaging, and FUN to read. It doesn't seem to matter what subject or genre he's writing about, I am always enthralled by his characters and their stories.

My only nitpick about this story was towards the ending, so I'll try not to spoil it. The villain leaves a message for Conor that directly contradicts information he thought true, yet he never realizes it until he's told outright by others. Then again, the message wasn't relayed exactly as dictated, but the crux was still there. I suppose I can forgive him this one, though.

When Bonvilain leaves the message with Linus, he specifically says that the group will be having "a small dinner to celebrate the life of Conor Broekhart [...]. It will be the third anniversary of his death." Why would his parents and Isabella toast him if they thought him a traitor? However, Conor only hears from Linus that they are attending "a dinner for Conor Broekhart." Still, it seems obvious enough that they have all been fed different lies, yet Conor still thinks they hate him when he infiltrates the tower. Not a plot hole or anything egregious, just something I noticed and wondered why Conor didn't.