A review by sinaiblx
Manga Classics Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen


Jane Austen is one of my favourite authors. I read Sense and sensibility long ago but I am well familiar with it. I generally do not object on reading or watching different versions or remakes a story because all of them offer an unique perspective that one can truly enjoy. In this case, I have to say I did not like this one much. Starting by the cover, I found it containing to much pink and soft faces for my liking, maybe done on purpose trying to appeal an specific type of reader (girls and teenagers in general), it was difficult to know who is who and how everyone is related; Anne and Lucy Steel for example, they are introduced together and only later you know which one is Anne and which one is Lucy, the children appear all together in the same scene and it makes everything more confusing, you cannot understand the little accident that makes one of them cry..I also found some inconsistencies on the plot that I could not possibly track back on the story itself (mentions of Mr. F and Mr W when they visit Barton Rouge...I know what that is, I even remember that from the Ang Lee's movie but they are not mentioned previously on this novel so one have to assume what they actually mean...)... I also found one spelling mistake (truely...instead of truly) although I cannot be sure if that was intentional for some reason (maybe that was the actual spelling on Jane Auste's times?). Anyway, I really enjoyed the final marriage proposal, that always make me smile with pleasure and I really liked how that was portrayed, exactly how I always imagined it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Udon Entertainment to allow me to read this in exchange for an honest review.