A review by nicandbooks
Landslide by Kathryn Nolan



My words don’t do justice to the fabulousness that is Kathryn Nolan’s latest book Landslide. She has a way of capturing the ideal setting in Big Sur, California - the only setting I’ve ever truly wanted to pack up all my things and visit!!; a way of writing characters that become like friends and family; a way of writing a story that seeps into your soul and takes up residence there for the long haul. I became enamoured with all of what I just described when I read Bohemian last year and knowing we would be going back there when Josie and Gabe’s story was written was the perfect way to end what was one of my top reads of 2017. And here I am, having read their story, having been lost in the beauty of Landslide and - again - I have the biggest book hangover after Kathryn took me on a journey that felt so real I refuse to truly believe that these characters don’t really exist somewhere out there.

In so many ways Gabe and Josie are much like Cal and Lucia are in Bohemian. Two very different people from two very different worlds. And the majority of both their stories happen concurrently which makes it even more unique and special. But Gabe and Josie differ in ways that are unparalleled to their best friends. Josie has been through hell when it comes to love and the walls she has built around her heart are thick, high and seemingly unbreakable. She lives and breathes and loves the city of Los Angeles where she works, where her family is, where she feels most at home. And in the other hand, Gabe is the epitome of Big Sur - he runs The Bar, his family have lived in this isolated coastal town for generations, his loves the people, the forest setting, The Big Sur Channel of gossip. He never wants to leave. But one night, one unexpected connection between these two opposites, and something is sparked that neither of them is ready for, neither of them expects, and it’s going to rock both their worlds...

Kathryn writes like no other author who I love. Her words are like the poetry she quotes. Her characters are so vivid I feel like I know them. The worlds she creates in her stories are places I desperately want to visit. And Landslide is her best work yet. From the first page to the last. From a conclusion I didn’t see coming but was more thrilled than I could have ever expected. This book is a MUST READ for everyone!! And then pick up Bohemian and read it too because you can’t have Gabe and Josie without Cal and Lucia.

Landslide is one of my top reads for 2018 and I’m giving it my highest every ranking of 6 hearts (it’s my ranking so who cares if technically it’s impossible, when I created it I can rewrite the rules!!). It’s April and I don’t care. I’m calling it now because no book will affect me like this one. I know it. If you read nothing else this year, read Landslide ... you will not regret it.

nicandbooks â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Amazon/Goodreads â­ï¸â­ï¸â­ï¸â­ï¸â­ï¸