A review by michalice
A Darkness Absolute by Kelley Armstrong


When I was first contacted to review A Darkness Absolute I immediately said yes, excited that a new standalone was being published. It wasn't until the book arrived that I realised it wasn't a stand alone, but in fact the second book in a series. So you can imagine I was a bit hesitant about going into this one, coupled with the fact it's a far cry from her Women of the Otherworld series.

The minute I began reading A Darkness Absolute I was hooked, and although there are mentions of events in the previous book, I did find it easy to continue reading, knowing that the plot for A Darkness Absolute didn't rely too heavily on City of the Lost. I loved how I was able to quickly immerse myself within the pages, the location of Rockton was perfect for me, with more snow than you could imagine, but not necessary all the amenities and reasons for being there.

I liked the idea behind Rockton, how it's a safe haven for people on the run, both good and bad, and that everyone has a new life, a new identity, and a reason for staying. However there are a lot of secrets within this town, secrets of past lives that aren't good.

Casey as a character really stands out for me, she has gone to Rockton knowing full well what she was getting into, and she takes her job very seriously. She takes no crap of anybody, even people determined to get a rise from her, and has a way with the 'scary' people that everyone else avoids. Her relationship with Dalton is new but strong, they have a great relationship and are able to switch from 'work' to 'personal' very easily.

I enjoyed the twists and turns throughout A Darkness Absolute, how it leads you down one path to quickly pull you back and show you another. I never guessed who was responsible, especially with the vast number of suspects that they had.

Final Verdict
A Darkness Absolute took me a while to get through, and that was purely because it's a giant book. I'm glad I was able to enjoy it without having read the previous book, which is something I plan to fix as soon as time allows.