A review by alienor
The Body Electric by Beth Revis


✮✮✮ 3,5 I love SF stars ✮✮✮

Ready to go to New Venice? Yeah? Let's go!

The plot : The story takes place on Earth, in New Venice, on a time readers who read Across the Universe know : they talk about Godspeed, dammit! Of course I totally jumped - I was all, "Oh. My. Solar glass?". Understand : We deal with androids and FRX here.

This book belongs to the SF genre. You've been warned.

Here's the thing : I'm willing to explain the plot to you. I really am. But you know what? Less you know about it and more you'll enjoy it. Want to know a secret?

*whisper* I didn't read the blurb of The body electric before reading. Even now, I'd be incapable of summing up it → I totally trusted Beth Revis here. And despite the fact that the book doesn't end in my favorite shelf, I have no regrets.

Of course I guessed some parts and the story we are told isn't the most original and wonderful I read. But I was surprised sometimes, and always, always interested. That's all that matters, isn't it?

✸ First of all, because of the writing. Remember how I was impressed by the writing of Beth Revis in Across the universe? Thanks thanks thanks, she did it again. What's exceptional, you're asking? No metaphors and no so-called poetry, no impressive great show of style, no. But something only a few authors succeed in : to give us a SF story which is never boring. Maybe that can be explained by the fact that she uses tricks I'm a sucker for : fluid sentences and short chapters. The body electric is a fast-paced, action packed book. And you know what? I'll check all the books she'll write. Yep.

Nevertheless, this book doesn't reach the level of awesomeness of Across the universe, especially in two domains :
- The humor : This book isn't funny. Not at all. Nope. I kind of missed the inner monologues of Elder and Amy.
- The characters didn't move me at all. Be careful, I'm not saying they are bad, no, but they didn't strike me as being unforgettable.

Ella doesn't seem like the average female lead I would appreciate : she isn't funny, doesn't know how to fight - Plus she's filled with a hardness I struggled to wash off, a sort of shell of indifference which never really disappears, even when she's worried about her mother. I must admit that I had a hard time connecting with her. Is it the consequence of a lack of characterization? Sure. Partly. But this also can be explained by her personality : she's not suited for being this relatable and kind heroine. No.
Spoilerand we are given the explanation of her lack of feelings. Sort of.

Yet I enjoyed following her. Why?

Because her reactions are healthy and trust me, that's pretty rare in young adult.

- She doesn't want to be touched by a guy she doesn't know, even if he's attractive. Actually she throws a fist at him when he tries. Good girl.

- She doesn't trust people she doesn't know. Hey! Isn't the exact warning all parents in the world give their children? Right? Too bad most of these heroines don't follow it.

You don't trust me." He says the words hollowly.
"Of course not," I say immediately. "I don't know you.

- She's able to see beyond the idealistic crap which are often thrown at young adults heroes. Let's discover a little example. During a reverie, a character says that :

Nothing more than family. You gonna fight for something, you fight for something that you're willing to die for. I wasn't willing to die for my government, Secessionary or UC. But I was willing to die for the people I love.

Okay, so call me cold-hearted, but I rolled my eyes at that.

And just after Ella thinks that :

I choke down a snort of derision. Idealistic mantras like that are what made the Secessionary War so bad.

- Even if she's not really confident, she doesn't hesitate to call others on their crap, given us the opportunity to smile so big it hurts - yes, I love heroines who can have repartee. Love it.

You don't know. You tell me Akilah's messed up, but you don't know how and don't know how to fix her. You tell me I am messed up, but you don't know how. You tell me that you had nothing to do with
Spoilerthe android explosion that almost killed my mother
, but you. Don't. Know. Who. And you tell me I should trust you, but you know what? I don't know how.

✸ I struggled more with Jack. Don't get me wrong, his personality should appeal me : he's broody, loyal, courageous, sometimes funny. Yeaaah, he's all that. I think. He seems to be. No, really. I guess. Right?

I don't know him. I must admit that the fact he's a bit hollow drove me mad because hey! that guy seems really interesting, let's meet him, dammit! Sometimes we have insights of his very true personality and I was thinking, yes yes yes, go on, go on - unfortunately he always goes back in his corner full of shadows. How disappointing!

To sum up : I like it while I was willing to love it. What a shame.

His head dips close. "Don't forget, Ella," he says in a low voice, only for my ears.