A review by zmeyche
The Little Homo Sapiens Scientist by S.L. Huang


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To be honest, the very first thing that made me want to read that novella was its front cover. I saw it on twitter, I asked if there was an e-book and not even 15 minutes later I was already going through it on my reader.
/I was in a process of changing my payment card at that moment and I did not have any money in my paypal so I asked a friend lo lend me some bucks to get the book right now!/
That is what a good cover can do for a book.

Of course, a good book is made by good writing and that's the example we have here.
To me "The Little Homo Sapiens Scientist" is not just a queer retelling of a well-known fairy tail, it's more of exploration of what defines being human and what the definition of true love should/could be.

It's a dark story and you need to now it if you've already read the original fairy tale. Could it be lighter? Of course. But it wouldn't be the same story and it wouldn't have the same impact it has now.
So, if you want something light and optimistic as a Disney story don't bother starting it.

"The Little Homo Sapiens Scientist" strikes a chord somewhere deep asking you what are you ready to sacrifice for love? Or let's call it love for lack of better word for this sickening need to meet, feel and be with the other person once again.

But I can't seem to think clearly anymore. I'm hurtling toward this and it's the only thing that matters.

"If you knew you'd never find her, or that you'd find her only to be disappointed - would you still do it?".
Yes. The answer was yes.

The fact that "The Little Homo Sapiens Scientist" is filled with queer characters and the main character is a lesbian does not define it but definitely helps with understanding the lengths she is going just for the opportunity to meet her love once again.
I generally enjoyed a species not defined by two genders as humanity still is.
And truly enjoyed the very idea of melding and becoming multiple beings in a single body leading to almost a hive mind.

Truth be told, we have no idea what could be hiding in the depths of the ocean and the idea of alien-like species from human perspective is thrilling.
I'd probably love to see Aíoëe's POV of the story but nevertheless "The Little Homo Sapiens Scientist" is a great story.