A review by whimsicalmeerkat
People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks


[b:People of the Book|1379961|People of the Book|Geraldine Brooks|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1239820658s/1379961.jpg|3020568] is a stunningly beautiful book about another stunningly beautiful book. It fictionalizes the true story of the Sarajevo Haggadah, a unique, 500-year old version of a book read at Jewish Passover Seders. It illustrates the story of how and why Passover came to be. [b:People of the Book|1379961|People of the Book|Geraldine Brooks|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1239820658s/1379961.jpg|3020568] looks at the fascinating story of the Haggadah's travels through the years and creates a story from them. All of the characters are fictional and some of the chapters are admittedly entirely fiction while others contain more factual information. While reading I did not care at all which was which and I am not certain I do now. [a:Geraldine Brooks|211268|Geraldine Brooks|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1303284528p2/211268.jpg].ostensibly tells the story of a book, but as the title hints, what she really tells is the story of a people.