A review by sunflowerscottie
Homerooms and Hall Passes by Tom O'Donnell


If you’re a kid who likes Dungeons and Dragons or a parent who wants to get your kids into Dungeons and Dragons, this book is perfect. I, personally, am an adult who likes Dungeons and Dragons, and this book was marvelous.

Our five adventurers are, in fact, adventurers from a land where fantasy and quests are the norm. After a brush with a cursed object, they are thrust into a world they only know from their Homerooms and Hall Passes game books.


Welcome to D&D in reverse.

Now the adventurers must pass their classes, avoid confrontations with the popular kids, and survive their extracurricular activities as their characters from the roleplaying game they play each week. Except it’s real, and they must use their own skills, rather than those of their characters, to do it. The only way to get out is to make it through the semester without Blowing It.

I thought this book was a tremendous amount of fun. It takes everything I love about D&D and flips it on its head.