A review by kiki124
Accidentally in Love by Belinda Missen


Solid 4.25 for an ARC generously provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book. It was funny, and sweet, and the relationship between Katherine and her stepmother Fiona developed in a realistic way. Katherine's relationship with her best friend Lainey shifted throughout the book, and that was explored nicely, as was her mutually supportive relationship with her older brother, Adam. Katherine was well developed, and we got just enough of her friends and family to imagine her as a real person in a real world.

The hero Kit was a typical rom-com handsome, smart, wounded, asshole with a heart of gold and an sexual A-game. We were told that Kit and Katherine were the same sort of person, the opposite gender version of each other. Whilst I didn't totally see that, I did enjoy their prickly banter and their mutual all-in capitulation to lust and affection (though love seemed a bit rushed). I liked Kit, but he wasn't as fully developed as Katherine (and his family was briefly seen early on and then totally dropped).

Whilst I very much enjoyed this book and totally recommend it, I want to be clear. It's not a romance. The love story is secondary to Katherine's narrative of leaving London, changing jobs, and figuring out who she really wants to be. And though there is certainly a happy ending, the romantic resolution is less satisfying than Katherine's professional success and personal growth. Told in single, first-person POV, it's similar to Beach Read and One to Watch, two books I loved but have been dinged as "chick lit" rather than romance.