A review by rellimreads
Zane by Nicole Edwards


Borrowed via Audible Escape. Story was 3.5 stars. Narrators a solid 4 stars for both.

This was a significant improvement on Kaleb in terms of consistency/quality of narrators and plot. Even with the youngest Walker brother as MC, 24 yo Zane, this felt much more mature than book 1. Vanessa’s (henceforth shall be called just V) issues, especially PTSD, were handled by all like adults.

The secondary characters as well were treated to more cohesive development instead of what felt like “vaguebooking” last time. I feel more invested in hearing about Travis and can’t wait for Beau to get his HEA.

Content FYI: MF, MFM, MMF, & some MM kissing between secondary characters.