A review by capturedinwords
Exile by R.A. Salvatore


Exile starts right where Homeland left off. Drizzt has become a -you guessed it- exile and is forced to roam the perilous tunnels of the Underdark alone. Well not completely alone, of course he has the company of his black panther Guenhwyvar but the panther often has to rest in the astral plane before being summoned again. I won't go too much into the plot because I do not want to spoil what happened at the end of the last book.

Side note: I sorta kinda read this book awhile ago and forgot to take notes for a review..... sooooooo I'll just gave it a go anyway.)

Drizzt meets a couple friends in this book, including a Svirfneblin (also known as Deep gnome) and Clacker the apparent Hook Horror. The times Drizzt spends with these new friends are some of my favorite in the series.

This sequel is actually more action packed than the first book. From being in the underdark for so long, Drizzt's hunter instinct starts to take over, leading for some pretty exciting scenes.

There is so much to love in these books and that is why they still remain one of my all time favorite fantasy series. I recommend them to everyone interested in fantasy, although I will warn you that they are a bit darker. Oh and also, some of the names are hard to pronounce. So if you absolutely butcher names, than you most likely will have a slaughter house with these books.