A review by bandherbooks
Luck of the Draw by Kate Clayborn


Zoe Ferris, once a cutthroat corporate lawyer job defending a pharmaceutical company and now an unemployed lottery winner, thinks it is time to atone for all of the wrongs she did in her past life. She's even created a jar of her mistakes and sins, one she'll draw from to get started on her mission to make things right.

When she draws the name of one of the victims of her former employer, it brings Zoe smack dab into Aidan O'Leary, the brother of the man who died from an overdose in large part due to the the drug her company created.

Aidan, an EMT, is upset to see the cold lawyer who his parent's had to deal with to get the settlement money for his brother's death. The lawyer who helped put a price on his brother's life. But there's something about Zoe, even if she's passed out on his childhood home's front porch from nerves. Even if she's beautiful.

In Zoe, Aidan sees an oppotunity. She wants to make things right, gain his forgiveness? She can help him secure the property he wants to buy with the settlement money, the property he'll use to create a treatment camp for addicts. She can do that by pretending to be his fiancee, to impress and show the couple selling the land that he's a family man at heart, that he has his shit together, that he's wants this for the right reasons.

Zoe agrees, reluctantly, but also because she thinks it is the least she can do. As the weekends wear on, and Zoe and Aidan form a tentative friendship, a tentative attraction, the ghosts of the past continue to haunt them. Can they ever forget how they came to each other? Does Aidan truly want this camp, or is just something he feels he needs to do? Will Zoe ever forgive herself?

So utterly compelling, and such a lovely slow-burn with competely realistic feelings and problems. I fell in love with Kate Clayborn with Beginner's Luck, and Best of Luck was EVEN BETTER.

The audiobook is especially great, and I think Aidan may be my favorite book boyfriend of 2018. I imagined him as a Bearded-Chris-Evans EMT. Huzzah.

I have read this way more than the 2x Goodreads has me down for it, but whatever! It is my favorite contemporary romance of basically all time and wow I needed this re-listen as 2020 ended.