A review by cjmichel
Close My Eyes by Sophie McKenzie


I received "Close My Eyes" by Sophie McKenzie which is due to be released July 2013 from a friend who I introduced to Goodreads. She won it in one of the first-reads giveaways and doesn't currently have time to read it. She asked if I would like to read it first, and of course, I jumped at the opportunity. "Close My Eyes" is a psychological suspense novel, 390 pages long (which is a little on the long side for my tastes usually). I wasn't sure I wanted to go there after reading the front and back covers which are just covered in reviews from different places, but nothing telling me what the story was actually about. Now I was not looking for spoilers and the covers didn't provide any, but I do like a hint concerning what I am about to read.

I opened the book. I read chapter 1 and wasn't sure if I would make it through to the end. It just didn't grab me right away as a story I could really get in to, but some stories take a little time. I read chapter 2 which ended on page 32. I was hooked. I flew through the rest of "Close My Eyes." I was in the story. I was feeling Geniver's pain ... and confusion (not confusing for me but for her). Every time I turned a page, there was a twist that changed the story and yet it was remarkably easy to follow. The twists and turns just kept me guessing "who done it" and why. Every time you thought they found the right path, a divergent path would appear and take you in another direction or bring out another possibility.

I discovered why a short synopsis wasn't on either cover. There is no preparing you for what you will find between the beginning and end pages of this novel. It's definitely suspenseful and will mess with your mind while you follow Geniver on her path to finding the truth. It sucks you in and holds you there until you know the truth, but then that's the end. And the end....WOW! That's all I can say...WOW! To say anthing more might giveaway something, but that would ruin the book. You have to read it to find out. Don't miss "Close Your Eyes." It's definitely worth keeping your eyes open for.