A review by bookbae96
His to Take by Katee Robert


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"Got you, Freckles."

Recently relieved of her spot on the New York stage, Erin Robinson finds herself in the one place she'd really rather not be. Forced to return home to Wellington, and, worse, to move back to her parents' home, she couldn't be feeling any less jolly, Christmastime or no. To make matters worse, she's been stood up by her blind date. What could make the night go further downhill? The appearance of Erin's frenemy-with-benefits, Warren Davis, back home in Wellington after his stint in the military. She's not ready for another run-in with him, but Warren has plans of his own.

I am a hardcore fan of the Entangled Brazen books, and of the Out of Uniform series by Katee Robert. Although HIS TO TAKE is a novella, and shorter than the other books, it is still chock-full of the signature steam, sass, and romance typical to these reads.

Erin has wanted to shake off the dust of Wellington for most of her life. Warren is happy to be home, and he's ready to show Erin that the time for them to put aside their back-and-forth dance and make things more permanent has come. What better way than a friendly and oh, so hot, game of Truth Or Dare? You can see where this is going...

I love Warren, and his unique way of turning things around; it doesn't hurt that this former man in uniform is darned sexy and knows exactly what he wants. And Erin is full of the spunk and sass I've come to expect from Katee's ladies, which makes things much more interesting.

This is an easy 4.5 stars for me, and an even easier recommendation, even if you haven't read any of the other books. If you're looking for a sexy shot of holiday love, add this one to your TBR, and enjoy.

***ARC generously provided by the publisher for an honest review.***