A review by lilies_library
Lady Eve's Last Con by Rebecca Fraimow


Thank you NetGalley and Rebellion Publishing for providing me with this ARC.

What a delight this was!
I was hooked from the first page and loved every second of it. When I wasn't reading it, all I thought about was picking it up again and finishing it.
Everything about this book was perfect for me. The characters were likeable and fleshed out. 
The flirting and the slow-burn romance was everything I wanted. 
The world was super interesting. It wasn't super dense but it was fleshed out enough that it was easy for me to picture everything.
And of course, the plot was a lot of fun. The pacing was well done and kept my interest the whole time.
It's usually hard to pull off this blend of genres, but this perfectly balanced it all in my opinion.
I can't say that I read anything like it before, and I can't wait to yell about it to other people.