A review by aje9065a
Cycler by Lauren McLaughlin


I was hoping for a discussion of gender. What little there was came across through a screeching teenage girl voice that I could not gain any insight, or joy, from. At least she refutes her mother's notion that bisexuality is just a train stop, on the way to pure homosexuality.

I wish the author had done more with the "I'm all girl" statement. Woolf said it was fatal to be only a man or a woman--one had to be a womanly-man or a manly-woman. Apparently all Jack and Jill had in common (beyond that which was circumstantial) was a scar. The strict seperation, even as it was enforced was...odd.

Forced femininity rubs me the wrong way. Or that someone would lock up all 'inappropriate' masculine feelings until they passed, and could emerge again with proper hair and make-up. Jack wasn't allowed to exist. Jill could only be 'all-girl'.