A review by ld2
Tears by Rita J. Webb


I feel like the book should have been at least twice as long as it was. There was so much that was introduced into the plot line: invading killer alien bugs, an evil dictator that doesn't die, genetic experiments, space travel, magical dragons, fantasy quests, etc... There were all these elements but nothing that had a satisfying explanation, details, or conclusion. I enjoyed the plot but that enjoyment was tempered by my confusion and the lack of more elaboration on the plot points.

The writing was easy to read, but at times felt too...simple. I kept hoping there would be more complexity to mirror the complexity of the plot. Even the characters felt too simple for the roles they were playing. I never quite believed that they had any real development or transformations. It's like they just suddenly fit the needs of the plot.

So perhaps the problem is is that I'm too old for this novel. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more if I was in middle school.