A review by rachel_jozie
In Every Dark Corner: Horror Stories by Duncan Ralston


*I’m not going to give you the ‘what this book is about’ blurb – you can read that elsewhere. 

1. I mean, this is no Gross Out (Y’all thought I was gonna say Woom, didn’t you?!), but I did really enjoy this collection. There was a great variety in both the stories and the form of the stories. There are short stories, novellas, and a screenplay all within the confines of this anthology. The stories themselves are gross, funny, serious – suffice it to say you’ll both cringe and giggle while reading.

2. I don’t want to tell you too much about the stories and ruin them for you, but 2 points:
     a. ‘Head’ had some ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ vibes, but set in a more modern day and relatable situation. The end was also so cruel, but perfect.
     b. ‘The Burden’ really hit me in the feels. I used to work with adults who had traumatic brain injuries and also as a CNA on a high-acuity floor of a hospital where one of our frequent fliers and favorite patients had ALS. So, this whole story really pulled at my heart.

3. I listened to the audiobook version and I really really enjoyed the narration. Again, this has no bearing on my actual review, but it’s good to know if you’re an audiobook fan!