A review by emilyclaire007
A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown


The world and magic and stunningly built. Roseanne A. Brown managed to weave a world with complicated beliefs, magics systems and histories, and never lets you feel overwhelmed by either not giving enough info or giving too much.

The characters were also incredibly well drawn, and you could see and understand what they were doing, even when you disagreed with them. At times you were simultaneously scared for them to succeed and to fail, and you rode the highs and lows alongside them. Both Karina and Malik have such wonderful unique voices, perspectives and personalities, and the dual narration was a real treat.

I flew through this book, with my heart in my throat the entire way, no idea what I was hoping for, for anyone. I will be picking up and reading the next one in the series the second it's available.