A review by english_lady03
The Artful Match by Jennifer Delamere


3.5 Stars.

An Artful Match was an interesting conclusion to the series. In some ways, I might say I enjoyed it more than the previous two books.
Maybe its just that I preferred Cora to her other sister in the second book. She seemed more human and a little less sanctimonious and perfect, and her faith seemed more - real. More relatable perhaps is the better word.

Maybe it was that the story didn't seem as cliched or forced as some parts of the other two. Its kind of odd for the final novel in the trilogy to be a favourite, but I think that was the case here since it just seemed to be the strongest. Even if some of the situations and some of Cora's actions were a little implausible considering the period.

I enjoyed other elements of the story as well, such as the rakish younger brother Langham who comes good. There was always something likable about him, underneath apparently Bohemian lifestyle. Maybe its just I root for the lovable rogue? There were also some interesting tidbits about late Victorian art scene, the Industrial Revolution, and even the interest in dinosaurs burgeoning at the time.

My only complaints were the Americanisms, which were made all the more prominent with the preseence of minor American characters who comment on the differences between American and British society in the late Victorian age. Yet they don't remark on upper class British characters dining in the American manner with only forks, or using Americanisms like 'candy' and 'in the fall'.

I would recommend for lovers of historical fiction, and those who wish to finish this series. Also recommended because its a little less cliched and more unusual than a lot of Historical Romances of this type.

Thanks to Bethany House and Netgalley for my ARC copy. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.