A review by marklpotter
A Sellsword's Compassion by Jacob Peppers


A Very Interesting Start

I'm not usually one for reviews but every once in a while I'm inspired to put down a few words and The Sellsword's Compassion has done that. Everything has been written and every story told so for me the mark of a good writer is one who can take a story and make it new again. Jacob Peppers crosses that like quite easily with the first volume in the Seven Virtues series. I started reading with trepidation as I've come to be skeptical about fantasy novels on Kindle Unlimited as there tends to be more chaff than wheat in the selection but I was quickly won over.

To be honest the story is a bit rough around the edges at first but it quickly comes together and becomes interesting in no time at all. Aaron is not a likable character for more than half of the book. He is sympathetic as his story is revealed and pitiable but for me, at least, it wasn't the protagonist that drove me forward. The supporting cast is vibrant and likeable and it's their interaction with Aaron that bring the story and the world to life. I'm a sucker for worldbuilding but it's personal interactions that drive this book and I truly enjoyed that aspect. Now, don't get me wrong, the worldbuilding is good. It's highly unlikely that I'd enjoy an author that doesn't do some decent job of that but even with that being good it's still the human condition that drives this story forward.

And no, you're not going to find me talking a lot about the plot. That's already covered in the blurb, your either interested after reading that or you're not. I'm simply here to tell you that the story is good, the writing is easy to read, and that I've enjoyed the book. Character driven stories are hit or miss for me and Peppers hit the target with this one. I will say that the last couple of chapters did pique my interest in the rest of the series snd I'll be continuing down the road with Aaron and the rest of the crew.