A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Aria by Ariele Sieling


Honestly? I didn't even read what this book was about before requesting my review copy from BookSirens. I loved all the books I've read by this author so far, so I trusted that I would like and love this book too. I had just overestimated how many books I could read and had to read a few other books before I could finally start this one, but last night I read the prologue and after that it was almost impossible to stop reading.

This book is and has everything. It's addictive, it's exciting, it's gripping, it's amazing and it's perfection. The author might combine loads of different elements and genres and yet everything works. The time traveling works, even though we don't understand the specifics yet. The fantasy elements work, even though I have a lot of questions concerning those too. And the dystopia also works, with more world building to come for sure.

Making a mix like that work is incredibly hard, but the author makes sure that instead of stealing each other's spotlight these elements all enhance each other. The dystopia becomes more of a dystopia because of the fantasy elements. The fantasy elements are politically relevant and even influence the modern technique. I can't wait to figure out how the time traveling fits into this, but I don't doubt it does have a reason.

The mix also works because the characters in this book are amazing. The book is written from our heroine's point of view, which means that we get to know some characters better than others, but it's clear that all characters have a personality and a function in the story. I especially loved our heroine though. It's quite clear that she has a lot of learning and growing to do, but I can't wait to see who she will eventually become!

So, I'm certainly gonna read the second book soon!