A review by rachelleahdorn
City of Death by James Goss


This was the first Dr. Who book I've ever tried. I've seen about a half of an episode with this Doctor. I had no idea who Romana was, but I do like Douglas Adams. The book was ok, but the pace and my unfamiliarity with the character/iteration of the character made it a little harder to follow than I expected.
With just a tiny bit of comparison, though, I think I prefer to read the scarf-doctor than watch those old episodes. The special effects in my head are less distracting than those they had in the 70s/80s.
One thing I found amusing was the anachronisms in some of the descriptions, technological references that are more 2010 than 1980. And I must say the up to date references or jokes make it easier to suspend disbelief in a superior silent technology or two.
As an art teacher, I did enjoy the art references. And the ending was more satisfying than I anticipated.
I also thought it was interesting to read about the transition from script with multiple authors to book. And I didn't know Douglas Adams was involved in the earlier Dr Who series.