A review by healingtothemax
The Cheshire Cheese Cat: A Dickens of a Tale by Carmen Agra Deedy, Randall Wright


An all-ages, charming gem found at BEA. At the signing table, the writers said the finished version will include a glossary: "Huzzah!" There's much vocabulary expanding fun to be gleaned from Pip, the "big cheese" mouse of the Cheshire Inn house. I also hope the whimsical typography is adopted to more chapters, it was visually intriguing and enhanced the fanciful aspects of this unique adventure. This book and its delicate pencil illustrations reminded me of the classic YA book, "A Cricket in Times Square," when a specific place and time is captured through a remarkable story about friendship. Seek out CHESHIRE and savor it, then share it with others... just like good books should be.