A review by catherine_mack
The Cracks in the Kingdom by Jaclyn Moriarty


Why have I not heard of Jaclyn Moriarty before, I ask. Then promptly find that I have another of her books on my shelf, but haven't read it yet. It's now been moved to the top of my reading pile. Perhaps the reason she hasn't come to my attention is the appalling choice of covers for her books. I'm not sure what they were thinking with this one -- it has nothing to do with the story and looks like some kind of Red Riding Hood in Manhattan thing. How would I ever convince a guy to read this book? and they should read it, just like they'd read HP or HG. The cover is misleading and incredibly limiting for readership.
I was so sad when Dianna Wynn Jones passed away. I thought there was no one left to write amazingly original fantasy with astonishingly fresh, quirky characters and worlds, but I'm feeling better now that I've read this book. Jaclyn can do it!
This is the second book in a series, so I'll have to scout out the first but didn't need it to enjoy this one. And boy did I enjoy it! We were right in the middle of moving house after 14 years and I could not stop sneaking off to read a couple of pages instead of packing ... right up til the night before the truck arrived.