A review by tomesproject
Love Is a Rogue by Lenora Bell


Unfortunately, this book didn't really work for me. I really like the premise and the set-up for this book, and the beginning was pretty funny and enjoyable. It wasn't anything super special or stand-out, but I was having a good time. The main character is bookish and is working on writing a dictionary and is perfectly content with her life as a wallflower in society, ready to take on spinsterhood after one more year in society. The hero is a carpenter and a Navy man that works for her family.

The two main characters were clearly very into each other from the first page and the whole "I hate him, but what is this stirring in my tummy?" and "I can't be with her because she's a duke's sister." shenanigans went on for way too long in my opinion. I completely skimmed the last two/three chapters of this book because I was just so tired of reading it, and I didn't want to DNF something so close to the end.

If the rest of this series following the friend group of the main character, there are a few that I would love to read from and I want to give Lenora Bell another shot because this is my first book from her.

I was provided with an early copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher.