A review by trikaratops
Unlocked: Ten "Key" Tales by Wendy Swore, Paige Ray, Rita J. Webb


It is basically a book with a bunch of awesome short stories about keys. Some of the stories were pleasant, some were most exhilarating, and some were just plain creepy. Other then the stories gave great sparks of imagination and where good time consumers there isn’t much one can say about this book. I loved the all of them really, even the one with the husband and wife (even though it wasn’t YA the rest were). All of them had a similar message (well most of them): The key to knowledge is books :P Not a bad message at all! I liked that it is something you can take a break from and comeback to. If you need creative juices flowing this is a book that will do the job!

Something I noted about most of the stories was the emphasis on the importance of reading, books, or education. Most of them were young adult, there was only one that I wasn’t sure if it would be considered young adult.
It would be incredibly boring if I typed up wins and fails for every story so I decided to highlight a few of the stories that really fed my overactive imagination.
Symbiote- About a female cyborg who escapes slavery with in a company with the help of a mysterious boy. She loves and watches the stars.
Where they belong- A boy and a girl and their destiny. They stumble upon a magical world beyond the auditorium at their school. They then have to choose, stay or go?
The bookseller- A young girl inherits a bookstore and all the dark secrets kept within it too. Now she must defeat the evil within.