A review by engpunk77
The Age of Selfishness: Ayn Rand, Morality, and the Financial Crisis by Darryl Cunningham


Found this in a library in Massachusetts and only could finish 2 of the 3 sections before I had to leave. I would have read it in one day if I didn't have to come back to NY and special order it from outside of our library system (not sure why OUR libraries don't have this book!). Learned a lot about Ayn Rand, her philosophy and life story, and more about the financial crisis of 2008, the Tea Party, and the Affordable Care Act than I had known before. If you have Conservative political views, you'll hate this book, and for those of us on the Left, it is affirming but a bit depressing.

I'm actually kind of embarrassed about the fact that I didn't know what Ayn Rand stood for--I only knew that her books are sent to our school for free (one for each student! No need to pay for Atlas Shrugged; here! Have a free copy and a hundred more to pass out to your friends!). That should have been my first clue. Lots of puzzle pieces came together while reading this. My ignorance is pretty appalling, actually. Glad I was serendipitously set straight, and no wonder my dinner guests looked at me strangely after seeing my (free) copy of Atlas Shrugged on my shelf!