A review by alanffm
Xerxes Invades Greece by Aubrey de Sélincourt, John M. Marincola, Herodotus


This abridged excerpt from Herodotus' The Histories is an interesting read. Like its original, Xerxes Invades Greece can be an extremely boring and tedious experience for those uninterested in archaic styles of history that (like the bible) catalog things endlessly. Luckily, moments of intrigue and excitement are spaced out quite reasonably throughout the text and they are extremely engaging. The horrors of Persia are absolutely shocking, and Herodotus' arc about the Spartans and king Leonidas made for a great read. I'm not to happy about where the book ends, but I guess it had to end somewhere. I look forward to finishing the full Histories one day, but for now this will do.