A review by godofbigfoots
Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor


It's not a particularly subtle book. The characters tend to shout their emotions with no real nuance or lead up, and the fates of most characters are telegraphed way further ahead than I would like. The descriptions are barebones, which is a writing style that gets you through setpieces quickly but not one I'm too crazy about. I want to know where I am and who I'm talking to, and instead I find myself going cross-eyed at all the names with no description attached. Sometimes there's a callback or an important detail that comes up about a character that we're supposed to go "!!!!" about and instead.... I have no bloody clue who that person is. Mrs Partridge? I don't know her. Sure hope she's not important!

However, the main character is the type of female MC I'm usually ravenous for and I liked her enough. This seems like a small thing, but you spend every waking moment with this character and I gave the book four stars, so that's a big point in its favor.

I also love dinosaurs.

All in all, if I find the next book in the series available quickly from my library, I'll probably read it, but I'm not likely to put myself on any long waiting lists or spend any money on them.