A review by canopy_
The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna


Spoilers lie ahead…
As one of the books nominated for the best of this year as well as one highly rated by a few friends I was relatively disappointed in this.
Plot holes abound in a book that starts off keeping all of its secrets closely guarded just to release 75% of them within the last 75 pages. What about the other 25%? They’re conveniently just left out.
The description of the lineages was so convoluted and under explained that I found myself seriously wondering about so much even after the book ended. However, it was clear that this wasn’t a plot device - a way to entice you into reading the next book - but simply that it was just left out.
The world was very interesting and there was a lot to like about this book at the end of the day. However I didn’t feel myself connecting the way I should have to Deka or Keita and I wasn’t routing for them so much as the others in the end.
I think this book could have benefitted from the last 75 pages being moved into a second book. It would have allowed a cliffhanger ending and more time to hash out the details that were so glaringly missing. I currently have no drive to read the second book, but if it had stopped there I certainly would want to.