A review by ljrinaldi
Band Nerds Poetry from the 13th Chair Trombone Player by Dj Corchin


This is a book about kids who play in the school band. Just as there are theatre and journalism nerds that stick together, and form a sub genre in high school, so there is a group that play int he school band. This is a book for those kids, or former kids, that bonded through band.

Humor is subjective. And the humor here is full of fart jokes, and other bodily fluids, as one poem said. I didn’t find any of the poems laugh out loud funny, but I was never a band nerd, so perhaps the humor just does get to me, the way it would for someone who had risen through the ranks, and knows what it is like.

So, if you were or are one of these band nerds, then you might find this amusing and would be delighted to find that you are seen.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.