A review by naika
Attorney-Client Privilege by Pamela Samuels Young


I really liked the writing and honestly was confused as to who the killer was and was genuinely caught off guard when it their identity was uncovered. However, I was able to figure out other parts of the story. 

Things I didn’t really care for were: 

- The handling of the religious subplot (Islam vs Christianity)
- The fact that one of the characters had “daddy and mommy issues” that fueled her motives throughout the story 
- That there was a subplot involving a rape case in which it is later revealed that the victim lied. I realize this books
 was written before #metoo movements. But I still could not stand all the nasty remarks that were made to the woman (before the reveal). They were rooted in a lot of sexism and misogynoir and I didn’t think enough was done to challenge those viewpoints.