A review by mikasaestucasa
Too Late: Definitive Edition by Colleen Hoover


I’ve never really “enjoyed” colleen Hoovers books, they just been okay. But this is by far my least favorite. The reason for that is the unlikable characters, dragged out storyline, and huge plot holes.

1. Unlikable characters - Sloan “should” be someone we sympathize with and admire for the strength and courage it takes to be in a relationship like her’s and asa’s. Buuuuuut she comes across as whiny, cries over everything, and makes very questionable decisions. The only reason she stays with asa is because he lets her stay with him and “pays” for her brothers private care. She’s also going to school at the same time. I understand it’s not ideal, but if she was really worried about her brother and not wanting to be in a toxic relationship, couldn’t she have found a job to support both of them???? Instead she allowed Asa to support her and used him for his money when she 100% had other options. I understand not wanting to drop out of college but after the big events in the later half of the book, school and classes aren’t ever mentioned again! I’m assuming she HAD to drop out because they were in hiding.
Asa - all brawn no brain chad. He’s stupid and delusional. The only reason he stays one step ahead of Sloan and Luke is because they’re even MORE stupid and delusional. He kept coming back like an annoying weed and it felt soooooo unnecessary and boring.
Luke - he’s basically just sloans sidekick. Meets her in one chapter and in the next he’s prepared to jeopardize his career and the investigation over her because he’s so in love. No chemistry. Nothing.
Ryan - could’ve cut him from the book and it wouldn’t have made a difference, honestly.

2. Dragged out storyline - the last 1/4 of the book were so hard to read I wanted to DNF. I’ve never DNF any book so I kept going. It was basically the same shit over and over. “Asa’s in jail!” “He’s back.” “Asa’s in house arrest!” “He’s back.” CH just had to kill him off finally otherwise it would’ve went on forever.

3. Plot holes - I don’t see anyone talking about this but how could the baby’s parentage even be in question????? When Sloan finds out she’s pregnant, it’s mentioned she only had sex with Luke 1 time leading up to that, and it was with a condom. He was shot and recovering so they hadn’t had sex again. Meanwhile, she finds out later on that asa had tampered with her birth control and they had unprotected sex (non consensual)…. Is that not confirmation enough that Asa is the daddy???? HOW SLIM would the chance be for Luke to end up being the dad somehow? Pretty fucking slim and yet in a “bonus chapter” it’s pretty much confirmed that he is the father because him and the baby have the same birthmark. I wanted to throw my phone out the window.
The baby’s name???? Why did they name the baby dalton???? Like Ryan/dalton where barely even a character and Luke and Ryan didn’t seem like they were even that great of friends. Makes no sense to me.

If I missed some context or information given in the book please let me know because as of right now, I wish I could give this no stars at all.