A review by sebds3036
The Atlantis Complex by Eoin Colfer


I really love Artemis Fowl.
I mean the books and not the totally cute Irish dark haired genius millionaire character...ahem.
Colfer is a fantastic children/young adult/fantasy writer and his characters are a hundred times more dimensional than some not so satisfactory YA books (looking at you S. Meyer).
His plots are excellent and have a slight Sherlock Holmes feel in the way that things are revealed in a timely manner; not all at once and not at all.
The classic baddies and their evil plots and evil minions, the shiny new technology, and the lack of shiny new technology, the whirlwind cross of the globe from Mexico to under the Atlantic and back to Ireland are all fantastic parts of this great story.
Also the totally-not-romantic-tension between Holly and Artemis is so hilarious as they try to patch up their relationship from their past misadventures.
Spoiler technically there is sort of one, but its only b/c arty as multiple personalities and Orion is a great romancer and please can he be brought back?

p.p.s i feel super-accomplished at the amount of one day reads on my reading challenge list. Also that all the books i forgot i read but added recently has made me on schedule.