A review by hank
Nophek Gloss by Essa Hansen


This is a conflicted 4 stars. The concepts and general space opera feel are amazing and as usual I want the ship! Multiple universes, big and small spanned by special ships with a host of mind boggling alien races that you actually need the glossary for. Some won't like that but I did. The plot was excellent, and then not and then excellent and then confusing but a decent sappy ending for my taste.

I have two main problems with the book. One, that Hansen's sentences don't flow and are difficult to read for me. That could be that she jammed so much weird into the book that it was inevitable but when I have to read more than a few sentences two or three times just to understand (see most of my book reviews for unclear writing as examples), that is for sure a negative. Two, the amount of naive stupidity and consequential physical and mental abuse the MC ends up going through are too much. I honestly skipped the last torture/pyscho abuse because I was both bored and done squirming in my chair.

I was going to say I am definitely reading the next book because this one was very strange and novel and I would like to see what happens next but the only friend review I have says it ends on a major cliffhanger with multiple threads unresolved and she was unhappy so....maybe I will read the next one or maybe I will wait until the third comes out.