A review by purghy
The City and the Pillar by Gore Vidal


A revolutionary and courageous book, considering the fact that it was written in 1946, and for sure one that influenced many readers living in the closet in that difficult reality, especially in small towns and small communities.
It is a beautifully outdated novel in modern societies where people can be exactly who they are, but it is also sadly contemporary in societies where people are still in the closet, suffering from all kinds of oppression.
Unfortunately, I found it exaggerated at times because it clearly shows that the author knew this world studying only the facts, not the psychological aspects.
I didn't like the fact that he portrays the 'real' gay man as being masculine, active, dominant, macho and treats the passive, feminine homosexuals with a critical and dismissive attitude, not understanding that there are active and passive people in any society, community or couples... regardless of sex. A discriminatory approach towards a discriminated community.