A review by thesydda
An Unlikely Journey by Julian Castro


The book was well-written and easy to follow. But I don't feel like i learned much about what Julián actually believes. I learned some about his journey, though there were MANY places where I wish he had gone into more detail. I'm not sure he knew he would run for president when he wrote this, so I can forgive there not being much (if any) policy information. But I'd love to know what motivates him. And what some of his ideas are (or were) for improving the nation (or San Antonio). He did discuss one development that was trying to get approved in San Antonio that he did NOT agree with. And the development ended up not being put in, but it had nothing to do with his efforts. I thought that was a strange story to include. I wish there had been more about his family relationships now, and even more about what his family thinks about his run(s) for office. Overall, I'm not sure how helpful this book would be for anyone looking for information on Julián as a candidate. But I guess that's what campaign websites are for!